Monday, September 21, 2009

Getting the "Right" Real Estate Picture

When I shared with several friends that I was leaving high tech and moving into real estate a common question kept cropping up....

Are you going to stop changing your hair every few months if you are a real estate agent?  You need to look like your picture.

True, I do change my hair most than most people but have you really looked at some of the those real estate photos out there?  No one looks like that!

Do I want one of those real serious studio pictures of me in a suit or something more my style?  I don't think anyone would recognize me in a suit!

Do I do the cheesy picture that includes my pet? What does owning a pet have to do with real estate? I really don't know but you see lots of pets in real estate pictures.

Do I try to do something that really captures me?  Somehow work my shoe collection into the picture. Maybe use a tag lines like these; "I will wear a hole in the bottom of my Jimmy Choo's looking for the right house for you!"  Or "I will sell your house in less than 60 days or you can have my favorite pair of Prada's!"

I am liking the shoe angle!   Now if I could only stand to have my picture taken....

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